Automatic spreadsheet generation from conceptual models
Automatically extracting class diagrams from spreadsheets
Automating spreadsheet discovery & risk assessment
AutoTest: A tool for automatic test case generation in spreadsheets
Avoiding and identifying errors in health technology assessment models
Avoiding bottom-line disasters
Avoiding costly errors in your spreadsheets
Avoiding the hazards of microcomputer spreadsheets
Avoiding, finding and fixing spreadsheet errors: A survey of automated approaches for spreadsheet QA
Bad numbers: Coping with flawed decision support
Best practices for reducing model risk exposure
Beyond regulatory compliance for spreadsheet controls: A tutorial to assist practitioners and a call for research
Beyond the mechanics of spreadsheets: Using design instruction to address spreadsheet errors
Bittersweet spreadsheets: Application development needs control
Block that spreadsheet error
Breviz: Spreadsheet visualization and quality analysis
Bridging the gap between spreadsheet use and control: An instructional case
Building financial accuracy into spreadsheets
BumbleBee: A transformation environment for spreadsheet formulas
Business risks all identified? If you're using a spreadsheet, think again
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