CACheck: Detecting and repairing cell arrays in spreadsheets
Categorisation of spreadsheet use within organisations, incorporating risk: A progress report
Changing user attitudes to reduce spreadsheet risk
Characteristics of spreadsheets developed with the SSMI methodology
Characterizing scalability issues in spreadsheet software using online forums
CheckCell: Data debugging for spreadsheets
Checks and controls in spreadsheets
Classification of spreadsheet errors
ClassSheet-driven spreadsheet environments
ClassSheets - model-based, object-oriented design of spreadsheet applications
ClassSheets: Automatic generation of spreadsheet applications from object-oriented specifications
Code smells in spreadsheet formulas revisited on an industrial dataset
Cognitive skills, domain knowledge, and self-efficacy: Effects on spreadsheet quality
College student novice spreadsheet reasoning and errors
Combining models for improved fault localization in spreadsheets
Combining smells and fault localization in spreadsheets
Combining spreadsheet smells for improved fault prediction
Commercial spreadsheet review
Comparing two spreadsheet calculation paradigms: An empirical study with novice users
Comparison of characteristics and practices amongst spreadsheet users with different levels of experience
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