Comparison of spreadsheets with other development tools
Compensating the computational bias of spreadsheets with MKM techniques
Complexity metrics for spreadsheet models
Compliance-appropriate spreadsheet testing
Comprehending spreadsheets: Which strategies do users apply?
Considering functional spreadsheet operator usage suggests the value of example driven modelling for decision support systems
Constraint-based debugging of spreadsheets
Context in spreadsheet comprehension
Controlling critical spreadsheets using ESM (Enterprise Spreadsheet Management) system
Controls over spreadsheets for financial reporting in practice
Copy-paste tracking: Fixing spreadsheets without breaking them
Correctness is not enough
Creating, comprehending and explaining spreadsheets
CUSTODES: Automatic spreadsheet cell clustering and smell detection using strong and weak features
Data clone detection and visualization in spreadsheets
Data organization in spreadsheets
Defending the future: An MSc module in end user computing risk management
Deficiencies in spreadsheets: A mental model perspective
Dependence tracing techniques for spreadsheets: An investigation
Design and documentation of real estate spreadsheets - Part 1
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