A paradigm for spreadsheet engineering methodologies
A pilot study exploring spreadsheet risk in scientific research
A pragmatic approach to the specification of Excel spreadsheets - Part 2
A pragmatic approach to the testing of Excel spreadsheets - Part 3
A pragmatic approach to the validation of Excel spreadsheets - Part 1
A quality model for spreadsheets
A rant on the lousy use of science in best practice recommendations for spreadsheet development, testing, and inspection
A review of spreadsheet error reduction techniques
A risk and control-oriented study of the practices of spreadsheet application developers
A semantic meta model of spreadsheets
A spreadsheet auditing tool evaluated in an industrial context
A spreadsheet cell-meaning model for testing
A spreadsheet life cycle analysis and the impact of Sarbanes–Oxley
A structured approach to the development of solutions in Excel
A structured methodology for spreadsheet modelling
A survey of contingency factors affecting the validation of end-user spreadsheet-based decision support systems
A survey of MBA spreadsheet users
A survey of the use and purpose of spreadsheets in SMEs in Serbia
A taxonomy of number entry error
A tool for the integration of constraint solving in spreadsheets
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