Safeguarding spreadsheets: Built-in software controls can protect the integrity of important financial data and formulas
Sarbanes-Oxley: What about all the spreadsheets?
Scaling a dataflow testing methodology to the multiparadigm world of commercial spreadsheets
Scaling up a 'What You See Is What You Test' methodology to spreadsheet grids
Self-checking spreadsheets: Recognition of semantics
Self-checks in spreadsheets: A survey of current practice
Self-efficacy, confidence, and overconfidence as contributing factors to spreadsheet development errors
SGUARD: A feature-based clustering tool for effective spreadsheet defect detection
Sharing reasoning about faults in spreadsheets: An empirical study
Simple spreadsheet test case application to test spreadsheet formula in end-user software engineering
Six challenges in supporting end-user debugging
Slicing spreadsheets: An integrated methodology for spreadsheet testing and debugging
Smells and units: An overview of selected static analysis methods for spreadsheets
SmellSheet Detective: A tool for detecting bad smells in spreadsheets
Smelly spreadsheet structures: Structural analysis of spreadsheets to enhance smell detection
Software engineering for spreadsheets
Some spreadsheet Poka-Yoke
Spatial modelling techniques in Microsoft Excel
SpreadCluster: Recovering versioned spreadsheets through similarity-based clustering
Spreading the risk: Errors, risks and techniques in spreadsheets
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