Methodology for the audit of spreadsheet models
Metrics-based spreadsheet visualization: Support for focused maintenance
Microcomputer spreadsheets: Their uses and abuses
Model inference for spreadsheets
Model misbehaviour
Model-based diagnosis of spreadsheet programs: A constraint-based debugging approach
Model-based programming environments for spreadsheets
Model-based spreadsheet engineering
Modeling optimization problems in the unstructured world of spreadsheets
Modeling spreadsheet audit: A rigorous approach to automatic visualization
Modeling the structure of spreadsheets
Multi-paradigm spreadsheet for end users
Multidisciplinary engineering models: Methodology and case study in spreadsheet analytics
Mutation operators for spreadsheets
Mutation-based spreadsheet debugging
New guidelines for writing spreadsheets
No half-measures: A study of manual and tool-assisted end-user programming tasks in Excel
No more the humble spreadsheet?
Now you're thinking with structures: A concept for structure-based interactions with spreadsheets
On the effectiveness of automatically inferred invariants in detecting regression faults in spreadsheets
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