Spreadsheet end-user behaviour analysis
Spreadsheet engineering: A research framework
Spreadsheet errors: What we know; what we think we can do
Spreadsheet good practice: Is there any such thing?
Spreadsheet hell
Spreadsheet modelling best practice
Spreadsheet refactoring
Spreadsheet risk - A new direction for HMRC?
Spreadsheet risk management in organisations
Spreadsheet use for strategic decision-making: An analysis of spreadsheet use and associated risk
Spreadsheet validation and analysis through content visualization
Spreadsheets - the good, the bad and the downright ugly
Spreadsheets and the financial collapse
Spreadsheets grow up: Three spreadsheet engineering methodologies for large financial planning models
Spreadsheets in clinical medicine - A public health warning
Spreadsheets in financial departments: An automated analysis of 65,000 spreadsheets using the Luminous technology
Stop that subversive spreadsheet!
Strategies for addressing spreadsheet compliance challenges
Structuring spreadsheets with the “Lish” data model
Teaching methods are erroneous: Approaches which lead to erroneous end-user computing
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