Automating spreadsheet discovery & risk assessment
Building financial accuracy into spreadsheets
Categorisation of spreadsheet use within organisations, incorporating risk: A progress report
Changing user attitudes to reduce spreadsheet risk
Characteristics of spreadsheets developed with the SSMI methodology
Checks and controls in spreadsheets
Classification of spreadsheet errors
Commercial spreadsheet review
Comparison of characteristics and practices amongst spreadsheet users with different levels of experience
Comparison of spreadsheets with other development tools
Complexity metrics for spreadsheet models
Considering functional spreadsheet operator usage suggests the value of example driven modelling for decision support systems
Controls over spreadsheets for financial reporting in practice
Correctness is not enough
Defending the future: An MSc module in end user computing risk management
Detecting errors in spreadsheets
Developing a repeating model using the structured spreadsheet modelling and implementation methodology
Development and experimentation of a software tool for identifying high risk spreadsheets for auditing
Does an awareness of differing types of spreadsheet errors aid end-users in identifying spreadsheets errors?
Drivers of the cost of spreadsheet audit
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