spreadsheet errors
A common mistake when declaring variables in VBA
Brakes hit on Wellington speed reduction plan after $250m error spotted
Circling invalid data
Errors, errors, everywhere!
Excel - Data Validation error checking & other useful tips
Excel & genes: mutation and curation
Excel corrupts certain workbooks in migrating from 2003 to 2007
Excel spreadsheet error leads Austrian party to announce wrong leader
How to foot and cross-foot excel reports in a floating-point world
Improving the integrity of Excel's SUM function
Is Excel error-prone?
Microsoft Excel: The ruiner of global economies?
Put errors in check
Resolving #VALUE! errors in Microsoft Excel
Spreadsheet controls in Office 2013
Sum a column ignoring formula errors
The Norwegian sovereign wealth fund's $92mn Excel error
Top 11 tips to avoid spreadsheet errors
We keep making the same mistakes with spreadsheets, despite bad consequences
Wellington City Council data breach: Personal data released in public spreadsheet
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