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Frances Moreno & Szilvia Juhasz


Most financial professionals understand the potential consequences of spreadsheet errors, but the horror stories continue to pile up. For example: One company saw its stock fall by 15 percent when, following its report of a 3 percent rise in revenue, it turned out that revenue fell 5 percent. The error occurred when data was transferred from an accounting system to a spreadsheet used to produce trading statements.

Another corporation had to halt trading on its stock after details of its almost $3 billion profit were embedded in a template of the previous year’s results and became widely accessible. It turned out that someone thought a black cell background fill would hide the text. It did not.

A major corporation almost gave an employee an $11 million severance package due to a faulty spreadsheet with too many zeros. And another company lost 25 percent of its value after inaccurately reporting its fourth quarter earnings due to a misrecorded number in one cell of a spreadsheet.

Fortunately, there are methods that CPAs can use to avoid these types of problems that lead to financial loss and embarrassment — and avoid the nightmares. These methods require only incorporating some practical tips for building a better spreadsheet model.


Error alert tab
Error alert tab

Data validation techniques can help prevent mistakes by setting input rules that can be applied to specific cells or ranges, along with real-time pop-up messages to guide the end user.


2011, Technology & Business Resource Guide

Full article

To err or not - consequences of spreadsheet errors and how to avoid them