fault localization
Combining smells and fault localization in spreadsheets
Fault localization in the light of faulty user input
Improvements for spectrum-based fault localization in spreadsheets
Interactive fault localization techniques in a spreadsheet environment
On the empirical evaluation of fault localization techniques for spreadsheets
On the empirical evaluation of similarity coefficients for spreadsheets fault localization
Rewarding 'good' behavior: End-user debugging and rewards
Sharing reasoning about faults in spreadsheets: An empirical study
Strategies and behaviors of end-user programmers with interactive fault localization
Strategies and behaviors of end-user programmers with interactive fault localization
Survey of fault localization techniques for spreadsheets
Testing for distinguishing repair candidates in spreadsheets: The Mussco approach
The impact of two orthogonal factors in interactive fault localization
The right choice matters! SMT solving substantially improves model-based debugging of spreadsheets
Tool-supported fault localization in spreadsheets: Limitations of current research practice
Toward model-based debugging of spreadsheet programs
Why does my spreadsheet compute wrong values?