A conceptual model for measuring the complexity of spreadsheets
A grammar for spreadsheet formulas evaluated on two large datasets
Automated refactoring of nested-IF formulae in spreadsheets
CACheck: Detecting and repairing cell arrays in spreadsheets
Combining spreadsheet smells for improved fault prediction
Comprehending spreadsheets: Which strategies do users apply?
Detecting faulty empty cells in spreadsheets
Enron versus EUSES: A comparison of two spreadsheet corpora
Enron's spreadsheets and related emails: A dataset and analysis
Finding errors in the Enron spreadsheet corpus
Fuse: A reproducible, extendable, internet-scale corpus of spreadsheets
How are spreadsheet templates used in practice: A case study on Enron
Melford: Using neural networks to find spreadsheet errors
On the effectiveness of automatically inferred invariants in detecting regression faults in spreadsheets
Smelly spreadsheet structures: Structural analysis of spreadsheets to enhance smell detection
SpreadCluster: Recovering versioned spreadsheets through similarity-based clustering
The use of charts, pivot tables, and array formulas in two popular spreadsheet corpora
Understanding spreadsheet evolution in practice
VEnron: A versioned spreadsheet corpus and related evolution analysis