David Chadwick, Brian Knight, & Kamalasen Rajalingham
This paper presents continuing work conducted towards the development of an effective methodology for integrity control in the process of spreadsheet development. The framework for spreadsheet quality control is mainly aimed at addressing the widespread problem of errors in spreadsheet formulae.
Two approaches are considered herein. The first addresses the wide-spread problem of formulae not reflecting the real-world phenomenon they are supposed to represent. The second addresses the wide-spread problems associated with the incorrect or inappropriate relative copying of formulae on the spreadsheet surface.

A common error for a novice is to enter any formula within the SUM brackets as though the SUM was mandatory for defining a formula. There is also the problem of summing figures that should not be summed.
To calculate the average wage in F5, the formula should be =E5/B5. However, 90% of students thought it should be =AVERAGE(C5:D5) which calculates the average of Day Work Wages and Night Work Wages.
2001, Software Quality Journal, Volume 9, Number 2, June, pages 133-143