Maryam Alavi & Ira R. Weiss
End-User Computing (EUC) is a rapidly growing phenomenon in organizations. EUC will soon be a major segment of information systems in most large organizations. There is a growing concern about the potential organizational risks of EUC activities.
This article identifies the risks of EUC associated with different stages of the end-user applications life cycle. Generic controls are then identified that address each of the risks enumerated in the article. Controls are introduced in a manner that allows EUC management to select those most appropriate to their EUC environment.

This figure outlines a control framework that formalizes the interdependencies within EUC. Paramount within this framework is the management control or management involvement process. As may be intimated all other control elements are subordinate to it.
1985, Journal of Management Information Systems, Volume 2, Number 3, Winter, pages 5-20