Alexandru Toader, Michael Kohlhase, & Andrea Kohlhase
Spreadsheets are tools to model personal, business and scientific data and to support decision-making based on such models. Moreover, spreadsheets are used for communicating data, models, and decisions, which makes the interpretability of spreadsheet intents an important consideration in the design of spreadsheet interaction.
In this paper, we show how MKM methods can be used to support users in the problem of model assessment, i.e., the process of passing judgements on a situation based on modeled spreadsheet data. We introduce a framework for specifying, documenting and personalizing assessments semi-formally and a set of plugins for the Semantic Alliance Architecture.

The theory-graph paradigm gives us a powerful, modular/object-oriented representation framework for formal and informal mathematical knowledge to support users in the problem of assessing their spreadsheet model.
2015, Intelligent Computer Mathematics, July